Personalized Medicine - Pharma goes Care!

Industry Support for Next Level BioPharmaceutical Development:

Strategies for personalized medicine with individualized patient supply logistics, interfacing with care centers

CMC strategies for biopharmaceutical development and commercialization platforms operated under GMP

Global setup leveraging externalization to address next level therapy approaches with an individualized drug product



  • Corporate Consulting for the Biopharmaceutical Industry (U.S., Europe, Asia)

  • Merck U.S., R&D lead for Biopharmaceutical Development, accelerated late-stage development of blockbuster NBEs (oncology, immunomodulation).

  • Schering-Plough, GMP-Lab Operations

  • RCC, GLP-Study Director, global client base for pre-clinical studies

Areas of Expertise


  • Mandates for the global biopharmaceutical industry for international set ups

  • Accelerated approvals - achieving next FDA/EMA CMC-approval milestones.

  • Hands-on operational expertise in GMP CMC as manufacturing, QC and risk strategies.

Contact us.

To help us best serve your inquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. You may also email or call us to make an appointment. Our general response time is one business day.